" The best teams are teams in any sport that lose themselves in the team. The individuals lose their identity. And their identities come about as a result of being in the team first." - Mike Krzyzewski

My heart is happy when I look at this picture of my dad. He brought so much joy to me and others. He was my Northstar, my anchor, my reason for wanting to write a book. I wanted to honor my dad in a special way but I could not do it alone.
Coach K's quote above mentions individuals losing their identity in the team. There are so many people who invested time into sharing knowledge with me that is included in this book and who edited it which made it into the impactful resource it has proven to be! My favorite section of the book is the "My Team" section at the end where I mention all of the names of the people I am honored to have in my life.
Fun fact: According to Amazon, a few copies were bought from people in the United Kingdom, Germany, Canada, Japan, and Spain...I know my dad would think that is pretty cool!

Below is the description listed about the book on Amazon:
What if I told you fourteen principles exist that lead to stronger team cohesion, trust, selflessness, loyalty, and joy? What if I told you these principles can be successfully implemented within the limited time you have with your team? These principles REQUIRE NO TALENT at all, just knowledge, intention, persistence, and commitment.
My mission is to help as many people as possible have a great basketball experience with the limited time you have together as a team. This book will help you learn and validate the qualities of what it takes to be a transformational coach and teammate, and will empower you to take accountability. Through learning and practicing the fourteen principles outlined in Help Them Up, you will have the opportunity to create relationships and memories that will last a lifetime. This book includes action exercises for coaches to do with their team and a section for basketball players to write in the book and answer open ended questions on leadership and culture.
1. Every player will feel safe, supported and cared for by coaches and teammates. They will not be afraid to make mistakes, rather embrace them knowing it’s part of the growth process in order to improve as a player. When each member of the team improves everyday, the team will collectively continue to improve as a unit.
2. Every player will feel valued. Whether a player is a starter or someone who is a bench player, every member can have a positive influence on the team. They will learn to lead in practices and games, with their words and actions, that will not only elevate their game, but everyone on the team.
3. Every player will have a voice. They will feel empowered to speak up when they have something to share that can benefit the team in a positive way. It’s important for players to feel comfortable speaking up. Championship culture teams understand that valuable information can come from anyone. They care about finding the best way, not just the way things have always been done. This also includes holding each other accountable with praise or to provide constructive feedback. This open and honest communication creates a collective ownership over the team and sense of pride among all team members.
4. Every player will feel JOY playing the game of basketball! Joy is internal and process driven and not focused specifically on results. Players that determine their “WHY”, in regard to what inspires and motivates them to play the game of basketball on a daily basis, will feel joy regardless of what the scoreboard shows at the end of the game. They understand their worth is not based on winning or losing but on giving their absolute best effort and being the best teammate they can be. When teams focus on joy, the scoreboard tends to be in their favor more times than not (which is a bonus)!
5. Every player will improve leadership skills. Having a growth mindset, the attitude where you believe you can learn and improve from every situation, is essential for kids to reach their full potential as basketball players and as people. Learning is a lifelong journey and players will have the opportunity to evaluate their current leadership skills. They will write down their responses to multiple questions at the end of each of the 14 chapters. Thank you, in advance, for making a difference in the lives of others!
Thank you for reading and please feel free to reach out if I can help in anyway!
Sending positive vibes,