Our 2022-2023 basketball season was a memorable one! Our team’s togetherness and the culture we built stood out the most. When we faced adversity, we didn’t point fingers or argue with each other, we moved onto the “next-play” and supported each other no matter what. Team success was always prioritized over individual success. If you watched our team, you would have observed our bench chanting “defense”, players standing up in excitement after a made basket, teammates sprinting over to a fallen teammate, and a lot of connected huddles!! Every player on our team scored this season which was a goal of ours! This team invested time outside of practice by watching film, participating in zoom calls with a few college basketball players and a confidence coach, and even met at an outdoor park in January for an optional practice because the gym was being used. No matter the situation, we found a way to keep moving forward…and enjoyed a lot of smiles and laughs along the way! We are so proud of this group!
Thank you for reading and please feel free to reach out if I can help in anyway!
Sending positive vibes,
Dan Horwitz